
Church history and evolution in Christianity dogma

  Church history and evolution in Christianity dogma  Matthew 28:19 – The Authenticity Question, Five Books of Commentaries on the Acts of the Church, Hegesippus  Hegesippus Fragments from His Five Books of Commentaries on the Acts of the Church ------------ [a.d. 170.] One of the sub-Apostolic age, a contemporary of Justin and of the martyrs of "the good Aurelius," we must yet distinguish Hegesippus from the apologists. He is the earliest of the Church's chroniclers-we can hardly call him a historian. His aims were noble and his character was pure; nor can we refuse him the credit due to a foresight of the Church's ultimate want of historical material, which he endeavoured to supply. What is commonly regarded as his defect is in reality one of his greatest merits as a witness: he was a Hebrew, and looks at the Church from the stand-point of "James the Lord's brother." When we observe his Catholic spirit, therefore, as well as his Catholic ort...